Would you rather?

Hey there if you take this your life will get better..................................................................................................................................

if you have finish and i know the questions are weird and all but anyways if you have finished this then do whatever rate or comment don`t really care :T

Created by: BrokenSpirit
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather eat a 100 year old chocolate bar or watch people drown in fire >:)
  2. would you rather set your self on fire or rain dance in lava
  3. would you rather date a hobo for 5 years or get killed by elephants
  4. would you rather listen to Chandelier by Sia or Wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus
  5. would you rather Play Imvu or Meez
  6. Would you rather become a Russian Spy or work for the C.I.A
  7. would you rather die of embarrassment or Have your pants pulled down in front of 10,000 people
  8. would you rather have Miley Cyrus life or Iggy Azalea`s life
  9. Would you rather see a Ellie Goulding concert or a Selena Gomez Concert
  10. Would you rather eat sushi or don`t eat at all

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