Would you date me?

Hi darlings! It's Fiona! I'm a blonde with blue eyes and a fit body. I'm hopefully pretty! I love The Amazing Race so much lol! U can call me Fi I love duggies (dUggiEEs (dogs))

Now I have to fill spaces kdjjsnsjjsnshdkdnhxjsndjnsndjxjenbdjsndnxjjdnxjjdnnchdjnebdjxjdjdnfnsjsjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjuxysbsnjxyxhsbxjyhsbdxgsbdbjxyhs Good luck

Created by: Fiona!!!!!!;)))))))
  1. What's your hair color?
  2. What's your fav video game?
  3. How old are you? I'm eleven and I don't want it to be weird ;)
  4. Favorite animal?
  5. Now I'll tell you a little bit about me, ok?
  6. I have long wavy blonde hair. The tips are dyed pink, and I have light blue eyes. I have a fit but sexy body. That cool?
  7. My personality is basically the classic blonde, but smarter lol. I love The Amazing Race!! I do gymnastics and dance. I'm popular as heck!
  8. How are you doing today?
  9. Are you popular?
  10. Bye :))))!

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