Would I date you (Newest Version)

This is a quiz to see if the legendary lilsavage (me) would date you or not. if you dont want to, why are you taking this quiz? it makes no sense at all

I just want to level up for some reason, if you do know me, then you would know that I am the most awesome person on the internet (lol jk) but for real, take this quiz

Created by: lilsavage
  1. Are you a guy?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Do you like Marvel?
  4. Do you like Star Wars?
  5. Do you speak English?
  6. What would you rather do on a date?
  7. What is your hair color?
  8. Where do you live?
  9. What is your eye color?
  10. no effectLL

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