Would I date you (for boys only

Hey Im a 11 year old girl who would love to meet some guys so plz take this quiz I worked really hard on this plz comment what you get and email me my email is Aubreyicecream10 @ gmail. com

Answer the way you are don't chet you all can email me even if you get 0% I will still be friends will you my tik tik is bree Steyer go follow me plz good luck all

Created by: nakedismyjam
  1. OK how old are you
  2. Is your name common or uneconomic
  3. Do you like to cuddle
  4. How far will you go on a first date
  5. What kind of girls to you like
  6. Would you watch a movie that you dont want to see with me
  7. Would you ever cheat on me
  8. Are you cute (tell me the truth)
  9. Do you like kissing
  10. Sorry this is like the other on but how do you kiss
  11. What Is mostly you
  12. Do you want to even have kids

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