Would I date you

Would I date you? How would you know? Are rainbows colourful? Why? You should take my quiz who ever it whatever you are. See if I would date you or if your even dateable

Take my quiz now! All people that are awesome take my quiz and all people that have a brain. So if your awesome and have a brain pls take my quiz just to prove it

Created by: Dragon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do in your free time
  2. What's you idea of a perfect date
  3. How do you look
  4. How would your friends describe you
  5. What do you look for in a girl/boyfriend
  6. Witch one of these do you want to be
  7. What's your favourite sport to watch
  8. What's your favourite spirt to play
  9. What music do you like
  10. The quiz is over!!!!

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