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“How Do I Love Thee” As a Representative of Love: As this poem is about love, the speaker counts how she adores her beloved. To her, love is a powerful force that can conquer everything in the universe. ... Later, she expresses the unique quality of her enduring love when she says that her love will get better after death.

I can`t believe it, it`s hard to conceive that you`d turn away romance. Are you pretending? It looks like the ending unless I can haveJust one more chance, dear My life a wreck you`re making heart is yours for just the taking I'll gladly surrender myself to you, body and soul

Created by: susfor stuffs
  1. Gender
  2. Zodiac
  3. Aesthetic
  4. RP questions (role play)
  5. if i asked you out and i wanted to go spray paint trains .......what would you say????
  6. movie genre
  7. religious?
  8. marvel? or DC?
  9. mentaly ill?
  10. smart

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