Would A Fish Be A Good Pet?

Many people are intelligent, but only some are smart enough to know how to properly care for fish! Very few people have the background skill required to complete this quiz, so lets find out if you are ready to become named a fish tank expert!

Are you a fish care expert? Lets find out. In this quiz you will find out if you could take care of nature's morse beautiful animals... the fish! Complete this quiz, to find out if you are ready to become named a fish tank expert!

Created by: Franklin Hansen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How large would your tank be?
  2. How much time on average would you spend maintenance each day?
  3. How often would you do water changes?
  4. How often would your fish?
  5. How much would your budget be for the aquarium?
  6. What type of fish do you want to keep?
  7. What brand of food would your feed?
  8. How many fish would you keep in a 29 gallon fish tank?
  9. How many goldfish can you keep in a 1 gallon bowl?
  10. How often would you keep the lights on per day?

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