Wolf roleplay quiz(try it please! It is my first quiz)

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This is just a random quiz and my first quiz! Please try it because it took my a very long time to do it! Now here is some random letters=vf ghcjdszyhdcxnsdycnxjhsdycfdjxshdyfcjsiudeyfhcjsiudfyhcdjsiwqeudhfcjsiufhvcbdjsiedhfgvhcdujisehcbfdjijhgyuhghyu8hgyuh

Ygygygvfgtyhbnhgtyghbgtr545rtghbnhgtfr4ftgv bnhgtr5tfgbn hgtr545tfgvb nhgtr54rtghbgyt5r4rtfgvhbtr54rtgytr545rtfgr54rtfgtr54tfgr54tfgrtgfrtygftyfguffgt5tgt5gbtrgbgtgbtg

Created by: Moonswift
  1. How mean do other people say you are?
  3. what is your favourite colour?
  4. What month is your birthday?
  5. What show do like the best out of these? (Choose the answer “i don’t know any of these shows” if you don’t know any of them or none of them are your favourite)
  6. Which day of the week is your favourite? (Don’t answer any of them if you don’t like any of them or you like them all) What is your favourite day of the week? (Don’t answer if you don’t like any of them)
  7. Which of these forms sound the best to you?
  8. Choose a pokemon
  9. Choose a random food
  10. 38ruyfgu8eyydegyhhug

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