How Well Do You Know Firestar?

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Firestar was part of a prophecy known as "Fire Alone Can Save Our Clan". He did not know abut the four Clans, known ShadowClan, RiverClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan.

Since you may not know, take your best guess and move on. I want your honest answer, not a random even though you may know. Please, I do not want any random answers, just to fail.

Created by: FirconeTheFireFox of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Who as Firestar's best friend as a kittypet?
  2. Who did Firestar fight when he went into the woods?
  3. What did Firestar need to do before joining ThunderClan?
  4. Who were Firestar's (then known as Firepaw) mentors?
  5. What was Firestar's warrior name?
  6. How did Firestar find out about Tigerclaw's plan to kill Bluestar?
  7. When Firestar tried to save Bluestar from drowning, did she live?
  8. Who was Firestar's half brother that killed Tigerstar, led BloodClan to rule the forest, and took Firestar's first life?
  9. Who was Firestar's first love to die during the Great Battle?
  10. How did Firestar die, and who became leader after?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Firestar?
