Witch of TDROTI Mike's multiple personality's r u ???

Omg I love TD your so smart if u do 2

I'm smart I love TD I love TD 2 death

Created by: Xena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's ur fave color
  2. What do u do 4 fun
  3. What ur fave song
  4. If the 1 u loved was taken from what would u do
  5. Who's ur fave singer
  6. Of the TDROTI cast who would u date if ur a girl say none of these
  7. Who would ur friend or friends b
  8. Where's ur fave place 2 b
  9. What do u do when ur board
  10. What do u do when it thunder and lightning out side

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