witch jedi are you

There are a lot of people who are wrong but you are always right becase this is a multi answered test. you however could want to have one thing but your answer could be another.

you think you got what it takes to get your answers! do ya! well find out what you got with our new test. figure out what jedi from lucasfilm you are most likely to be!

Created by: Tyler of BubbleBox.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you think of yourself as wise?
  2. are you good with a lightsaber?
  3. if you were in comand of everything what would you do
  4. who is the best jedi
  5. who is the worst jedi
  6. if you were a jedi what would be your favorite burger
  7. what is your favorite color
  8. your _______, was about to die you'dsave them
  9. how do think of this test so far.
  10. are you an alien or a human

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Quiz topic: Witch jedi am I