Wings of fire Tribe Quiz

This is a quiz that will show you what wing of fire tribe you are from. This is based on a few things and some are obvious, I mean REALLY obvious. Still, I had fun creating this and I hope that you will have fun doing it!

This is ( mostly) based on personality so I would find it hard to try and get the right answer also I might have used some stereotypes. Sorry :( You might see some questions that are based on other tests that you might have done because I have (Probably) done them too. Again hope you enjoy!

Created by: Nona
  1. What do you like to eat?
  2. If you could live anywhere where would you want to live?
  3. If someone called you a bad name what do you do
  4. How do you feel after you lie to someone
  5. Someone is being mean to your BEST friend what do you do?
  6. Do you…
  7. What do you want to be know as
  8. What is your worst trait
  9. What is your Best Trait
  10. what would you do if you like a different dragon
  11. What tribe do you want to be?
  12. If you had to chose one of the three queens which one would you chose
  13. If you had powers what powers would you chose
  14. Would you be an animus?
  15. You’re in a battle how do you win
  16. What roles do you play in a group project?

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