will yousurvive a zombie attack quiz

do you like zombies.do you like quiz.this is a quiz to see if you will survive a zombieoutbreack.this test talles you will survive every thing you needs to know about zombies.

do you know how to survive a zombie attack.this test telles you if you will survive a zombie attack.one more thing zombies don't eat brains that is not true man.

Created by: austin
  1. you look out side and see people walking every were.some of them look hart.what do you do.
  2. thier zombies!!and thir every where.and their trying to brack in the house.what do you do.
  3. you are runing out of food.But your house is surouded by zombies.what do you do.
  4. you were force out of you home!!where do you go?
  5. you are walking down a street when a zombie attacks you and nockes your weapon out of your hands.what do you do.
  6. your at your iockason.and some people are suronded by zombies.what do you do?
  7. only one of them survive.but he/she is bit.what do you do?
  8. do you nohe how to kill a zombie?
  9. what is your weapon of choich?
  10. last question;their is a helecopter down the street but zombies are blocking the way.what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Will Isurvive a zombie attack quiz