Will you survive as a warrior cat?(Med. app. version)Part 3

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Hello again! You don't have to take this quiz if you're not a medicine cat apprentice. also, I don't really know that much herbs...so i'm going to look them up!Also, this is my 5th quiz!

you might need to check out the kit one called, Will you survive as a warrior cat?(Kit version) part 1 or you won't really know what's going on. You CAN be an EVIL medicine cat too!

Created by: Shadowypaw
  1. So hello again!This is for some medicine cats! My first medicine cat quiz!So welcome (Prefix)paw!
  2. Ok,so You wake up to see that Mousepaw has a Thorn in his paw.Do you....
  3. You go looking for some Honey because your elder, Daisypetal has a cold and because Blueberryleaf is making you help her. Do you....
  4. Your brother,Leopardpaw is eating some death berries because he thinks their normal berries, do you...
  5. You are going on a patrol with 2 young warriors. Do you....
  6. You're going to your first gathering and you see a kit watching from the bushes
  7. (If you killed the kit)You find out it was a StreamClan mix with DarkClan kit and that the mother left it so they didn't get in trouble
  8. last question! Your brother Redpaw has died because you didnt help him fast enough, he died of blood lost. you...
  9. now it is time to say goodbye...
  10. See you next time!Baiiii!

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Quiz topic: Will I survive as a warrior cat?(Med. app. version)Part 3
