Will you make the NFL?

you are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingvvvyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazing

you are so good at thisyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazingyou are so amazing

Created by: Savage
  1. How often do you train?
  2. What Grades do you plan to have in Highschool/College?
  3. How many times do you go to the gym?
  4. Do you have what it takes to make the NFL?
  5. What do you do on your spare time?
  6. After each game,do you watch clips to see what you need to improve/add to your game?
  7. Do you see yourself improve game after game?
  8. When do you get in the game?
  9. What do you do in practice?
  10. How did you like this quiz? (Does not effect score.)

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Quiz topic: Will I make the NFL?