Will you like the book I'm writing?

I'm writing a book (well, supposed to be) and I want to know if people will like it. I hope you do. Please tell me what you think, and be honest on the questions.

Okay, now to fill up space. DOOOOOOOOM! Yeah, that's my favorite word, in case you're wondering. MORE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Carrie J
  1. Do you like characters that have magic powers?
  2. How about sword fighters?
  3. Would you like it if the main character falls into a coma for two or three books? (okay, she's having an adventure, but no one else knows that)
  4. What if you don't see the villain until book 6? Well, okay, there is another villain in the other books.
  5. Out of curiosity, do you think it would be cool to write the sieries again from the villain's point of view? I think it would be fascinating... (no effect)
  6. Do you like humor in books?
  7. There's a reference to bacon in every book...is that all right?
  8. I made up a whole language just to name the main character's sword. How dedicated is that?
  9. Foqq cua yuppinh uk kehi uk zuht?
  10. Yes, that was in the language. I can almost speak that as well as English!
  11. Tell me what you got and what you think in the comments! I need the feedback!

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Quiz topic: Will I like the book I'm writing?