Will you get what you want?

Will you get what you want? It's a question you can't answer. Well, if you've wondered about it then you're about to take the right quiz. This quiz is an accurate measure of your future.

(Note: Don't take it too seriously. What you do in your life affects what happens and this quiz only gives you a general idea.) Anyways, have fun.....

Created by: CherryOnTheTop
  1. If I said right now, "you will never have any success!", how would you react?
  2. What do you usually dream about?
  3. Do you have any plans for the future?
  4. If you went to a trial/ audition and you didn't do well, what would you do next?
  5. If you got the job/ role you really wanted, how would you react?
  6. Which of these is the most important to you?
  7. If you get a really boring job/ minor role then what do you do.
  8. What are you afraid of?
  9. Pick a number
  10. If you won the lottery you would...

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Quiz topic: Will I get what you want?