will you be a good programmer?

self explanatory, you need a lot of stuff to succeed in programming. pretty self explanatory so why do i need to write more and more so anyway try it it is free

it is a good idea to go into programming, it bla bla bla, yes yes, why do i even need a description. anyway just enjoy the quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz quiz.

Created by: amazon
  1. what of the below are you good at?
  2. are you good with any of these?
  3. do you have any of these personality traits?
  4. why do you want to program?
  5. what do you know about computers
  6. how much chess do you play
  7. what is your favorite video game
  8. are you okay with this being a placeholder for the minumum 12 (this question has no effect on your score)
  9. what is your grade in math? (this question has near no effect so don't worry)
  10. do you know a few basic commands in... (remember you can always learn)

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Quiz topic: Will I be a good programmer?