Will you be a good parent?

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There are many young people out there wanting to know if they would be a good parent. They can't find out because they can't see their future. Well Lucky you I have a quiz for you!

This amazing quiz will tell you if you will be a great parent or bad just by a few questions. Do you want to see you true life? Will you be a great parent? Then do this quiz!

Created by: Tinkerbellz27
  1. First off... Do you want kids?
  2. How many kids do you want?
  3. You see this green plant when walking though the forest with your kid, what do you do?
  4. What word would you want your baby to first say?
  5. If your 2 year old said "stupid", what would you do?
  6. If you had a baby boy, what theme would you give him for his 1st birthday?
  7. If you had a baby girl, what theme would you give her for her 1st birthday?
  8. You are making muffins with your kids. One asked, "Can I lick the mixing spoon?" What do you say?
  9. One day, you walked up next to your child's bedroom door and hear crying... what do you do?
  10. You go to the store with your kid and (s)he asks, " Can we get donuts?" What do you say?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  12. BYE!

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Quiz topic: Will I be a good parent?