Will mudwing swallow you?

What will happen if you found yourself having a chance to escape or be swallowed by a WoF mudwing and only ten questions will decide. You might die in the stomach of a mudwing today.

You will go to the swamp meet a mudwing, and you might get swallowed alive, never to be seen again. (this the first time making a quiz please like it.)

Created by: Hope
  1. You run into the swamp, you feel like your being watched you look around but all it does is make you more uncomfortable.
  2. I big mudwing jumps out of the trees and says " hmm. I think you'd make a good snack. He licks your body, and takes a sniff of your sent.
  3. He puts you under his claw, talons around you.
  4. He lets you go he hops back behind the trees once again, you feel like your being watched.
  5. He pounces on you and puts you in his open maw.
  6. He lets you go and run again this time he picks you up in his tail
  7. He tightens his grip and takes to the sky
  8. He lands on a cliff with nowhere to go. You get worry what's going to happen to you.
  9. He takes you back to the swamp in a different spot, still near the edge of the swamp.
  10. He grabs you in his maw and takes a slow, weak gulp. And did it a few more times, still in his throat, you...

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