Will Michel Afton like you?

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Hi my name is amelia and this is my very first quiz i hope you like it and enjoy. And I tried my best on it i hope you guys or girls like this quiz have fun.

I hope you enjoy and plz comment and like plz no bad comments and i will try to post quizzes ever day have a great morning, evening, or night enjoy byeeeee.

Created by: Amelia
  1. Me: witch one do you like? Micheal: i like midnight.
  2. Me: what would you do if Micheal came up to you and Confessed that he liked you what would you do? Micheal: wait what
  3. Me: do like Fnaf
  4. Me: is it ok if i put random questions?
  5. Which animatronic is your favorite?
  6. Me: two more
  7. Which Afton is your favorite?
  8. Me: Did you like my quiz? Micheal: i did.
  9. Me: are you ready to see your results? Micheal: lets see them!!!!!
  10. Me: ok are you guys and girls ready? Micheal: just hurry up me: ok ok

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