Which Afton person are you?

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Hello and welcome to my "Which Afton are you quiz!" This is my third time making one of these and I hope you cookies enjoy it! This quiz will somewhat decide what Afton you would be! =3

These are my Afton. Descriptions below. If you hate it, just know it won't work. These designs are not canon, just fanon. I hope you enjoy it! =3William-He loves his children but is a bit distant. Michael-Disowned his father and wants nothing whatsoever to do with him. Mrs. Afton-Loving Mother.Elizabeth-Rebellious but wants to make her father proud C.C./Evan/Norman/Chris-A sweet, gullible child.

Created by: Unknown_Pumpkin
  1. Hello. Now to start the quiz; If there were three rooms you had to go into which would you choose; A room with food, A room with the scooper, A room with Fredbear
  2. What is your favorite FNAF character from the following list?
  3. What is your favorite food from this list?
  4. Which of your family members do you want to make proud?
  5. Where do you relax?
  6. How long is your day?
  7. What are your hobbies?
  8. What do you watch on youtube?
  9. Who is your favorite Afton?
  10. (Friend's Question) If you get any character from this quiz, you will die. Is this your wish?
  11. If 12 am was about to hit,which weapon would you grab?
  12. Which curse would you deal with?
  13. Which FNAF game would you be teleported into?
  14. If you heard someone roasted, what would be your reaction?

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Quiz topic: Which Afton person am I?
