Which Afton are you most similar to? + Vincent and Vanny

If you would like to know which Afton you are most like than this is the quiz for you!! This quiz has 18 questions and whatever you choose will determine which Afton you are most like!! I really hope that you enjoy playing this quiz and if you like it enough than I would recommend sharing this quiz to a friend!!

Minor warning is that I now realize how many times that I changed Vincent's, Sunny's, and C.C.'s names to Glitchtrap Mrs. Afton, and Chris, so if you notice this remember that Chris is also C.C., Sunny is also Mrs. Afton, and Glitchtrap is also Vincent.

Created by: The_Official_Aftons
  1. Me: Okay, who wants to ask first? William: ME!!!!!! Me: Okay, okay. William: What's your favorite food?
  2. Me: Alright. Who else? Elizabeth: ME!!!!! Me: Ask away Elizabeth. Elizabeth: What is your favorite color?
  3. Me: Anyone else? Chris: May I ask a question please? Me: Go on ahead C.C.! Chris: Do you have any enemies? *glares at Michael*
  4. Michael: May I ask next? Me: Yep!!! Michael: Thanks! How would your friends describe you in one word? Me: Nice question! Michael: *blushes and dies* Me: OH NO!!
  5. Me: Okay who ne- Vanny: I WANNA ASK A QUESTIONNN!! Me: okay ;~; Vanny: What are your hobbies?
  6. William: Can I ask another question please?? Me: Wait until everyone else has asked once and then you can okay? William: Awww okay. Me: Hey, Vincent? You want to ask a question? Vincent: No. Me: Okay then. Mrs. Afton you want to ask? Sunny: Sure dear. Who is always by your side no matter what you go through?
  7. Me: Okay Vincent. It's your turn to ask. Vincent: No thanks. Me: Please!!! Vincent: Okay fine. If you killed someone, how would you hide or dispose of the body? Me: VINCENT WHAT THE HECK!?!?! Vincent: Well? You said to ask a question. Me: *sighs* What am I going to do with you?
  8. Me: Okay William, now you can ask. William: *dies for like the 46375th time in his life* Me: William? Are you going to ask or not? William: Oh, yeah. What is your favorite FNAF game?
  9. Me: Mrs. Afton, do you want to ask again? Sunny: No, that's quite all right dear. Me: Mike? Liz? C.C.? Vanny? Michael: I guess I'll ask. Me: Okay! Go on ahead! Michael: What is your biggest regret in life?
  10. Me: Wait, have I asked a question yet? C.C.: No, I don't think so. Me: Oh, well can I ask a question? William: Well yeah! Your the one that made this quiz so you should get to ask a question! Elizabeth: Yeah! I agree with dad! Me: Okay, what is one of your biggest fears?
  11. Me: OH NO!!! WE ARE CLOSE TO THE END OF THE QUIZ!!!! Vincent: FINALLY!!!! Sunny: Really Vincent? Me: AHHHHHH!!!!!! Oh, wait, we are suppose to have 18 questions- Vincent: Darn it!!!! Me: Elizabeth? You want to ask? Elizabeth: Sure!! Are you smart like Mikey? Michael: *blushes and dies again*
  12. Vincent: Creator, dear. Me: Uhm... yeah Glitch? Vincent: I have a question that I'd like to ask you and the person taking the quiz. Me: What's up? Vincent: Can I take control of your minds? Me: Hold on, say that again? Vincent: I mean... what kind of music do you listen to?
  13. Chris: Can I ask another question? Me: Sure! Chris: How many close friends do you have?
  14. Me: Seven questions to go!! Mrs. Afton: May I ask another question? Me: Ask away! Mrs. Afton: How many pets do you have or want to have?
  15. Me: Hey Vanny? Vanny: Yeah? Me: Want to ask another question? Vanny: Sure! Who do you think that you will get at the end of the quiz?
  16. Me: Three more questions left!! Glitchtrap: YES!!!!! Me: Okay, anyone else want to ask a question? William: Nope Mrs. Afton: No, dear. Glitchtrap: No thank you. Michael: Nope. Elizabeth: No. C.C.: Nope. Vanny: No. Me: Okay then. I guess I'll ask another question. What's your gender?
  17. Me: Two questions left!! Glitchtrap: Actually, I do have another question. Me: Okay, make it quick!! Glitchtrap: Did you enjoy this quiz? Cause I sure didn't. Me: HEYYY!!!! SO MEAN!!!
  18. Me: Okay guys, this is the end of the quiz. Now it's time to say our last goodbyes! William: Byeeee!!!! Sunny: Bye bye dear! Vincent: This isn't the last time you will hear from me. Me: VINCENT!!!! Vanny: Bye!!!! Michael: Adios!!!! Elizabeth: See you later!! C.C.: Bye!! Me: Bye!!! I really hope that you enjoyed this quiz!!!!

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Quiz topic: Which Afton am I most similar to? + Vincent and Vanny
