Will katuski bakugou date you??

lets see if yoou are gonna date bakugou katuskiiii... im so excited to see your results! post it on yt plss i wanna see it and @ my yt its @BrylieSky :0

sorry if you dont get what you want. take this test over and over again i dont mind... so i hope you enjoy my quiz>> not enjoy just like it lol byee!!

Created by: brylie
  1. mina and denki set up a date for you and bakugou, what is your reaction
  2. mina and denki told bakugou to meet at your favorite restaurant and they said he's there right now what do you do??
  3. if you chose:1. he texts you and wonders if your coming. but you aren't and hes sad2. hes not there yet cause you got there early3: hes walking out of the restaurant sadly and sees you finally making it. if you chose 2 choose what you'll be talking about if you didnt press next
  4. after you eat bakugou takes you to the counter and pays for both of your foods. how to you thank him?
  5. after walking to his dorm he locks his dorm room door and gently pins you against the wall and blushes, how do you react? ( yes u magically teleport to his dorm even if you didnt choose 2 <3 )
  6. he softly kisses you and then you hear a knocking. who is it?
  7. after the person leaves the power goes out and bakugou says softly " what happend " you being you are scared and do what to baku?
  8. after the power is abck on you and baku do ____ in bed?
  9. the next day you go to the movies and watch a cute film what do you wear to the movies??
  10. heres the end just click one fate ( only one fate adds 3 points )

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