Will Ghosts Haunt You? | Comments

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  • I actually know my house is haunted as crazy as that sounds...it always smells like musk at random times and there are sudden shadow/orb like figures that show randomly. I don't really mind though I actually kinda like the company.

  • 29%

  • Ik i am being haunted because i woke up with like 8 things up in the air.... My cellphone, My current reading book, my brand new dress, my ds, my dog lol, a table, a LIT candle, and a cracked pic of me.... i rly did laugh at the dog and they all just dropped freeky.

  • I know im being haunted by a ghost and it's kinda scary but cool!!

  • You are 47% likely to be haunted

    You have a half chance of being haunted. You don't 100% believe in Spirits and Ghosts, but don't worry. Hire a psychic. Learn some things. Use internet. If you do get haunted, you can get rid of it.

    ...THATS A LIE!

  • You are 29% likely to be haunted

    You are a lucky one. You believe in the spirits. You are the sort of people that, if are haunted, you know to stay calm and can easily pass the spirit on.

    oh and dude wtf was the last question with the full stops? I know you were trying to make the quiz cut-off. So umm wtf?

  • You are 37% likely to be haunted

    You have a half chance of being haunted. You don't 100% believe in Spirits and Ghosts, but don't worry. Hire a psychic. Learn some things. Use internet. If you do get haunted, you can get rid of it.

    Puppy xo1

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