Why, hello there~

Why, hello there~! I am Utsukushii Yuri, and I just wanted to make a quiz to introduce myself and to say hello to all of you lovely people out there~!

So, how are you all? How is your day, are you having a nice day today, so far? Or are you having a bad day? I hope you aren't having a bad day, so far.

Created by: Utsukushii Yuri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I am Utsukushii Yuri, and I just wanted to make a quiz to say hello to all of you.
  2. So, how are you all?
  3. Oh, let's play a quick game!
  4. Clock!
  5. Block!
  6. Shock!
  7. Lock!
  8. My, my, you're really good at this game!
  9. Well, why don't you look at the time!
  10. It's time for me to go. I'll see you all, later! *waves*

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