Why do you take quizes???

Are you a quiz lover? Take this quiz to find out! 0-100% What will you get? This is child friendly! No cuss words or sexual talk! All made by a child!So don't be afraid to take it! Although there is a question about MSP if you are un-fimilar with MSP plz see it first. By going to moviestarplanet.com That is the U.S. site. The UK one is moviestarplanet.co.uk Have fun!

Thanks for taknig the time to take this quiz! I really enjoy people being happy! If you want to re-take the quiz go right on ahead! I love quizes and I hope you do too!

Created by: Shandle
  1. Why did you take the time 2 do my dump lil test?
  2. Why aren't you asleep? (No Effect.)
  3. How old do you think I am. (No Effect.)
  4. Do you get on MSP? (No Effect.)
  5. If yes do you know ANY of these stars? (No Effect.)
  6. Haave you seen World War Z?!!!
  7. Have you been to Rio?
  8. What face do you use most?
  9. Favorite food
  10. This is the last question you are.......

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Quiz topic: Why do I take quizes???