Whos your Greek Godly Parent?

Hi. This is for all those PJO and HoO fans who want to know whether so and so is their sibling or whatnot. Pls enjoy. Sorry if inaccurate. I am very sorry if it is.

This is also for people who just wanna do a quiz. Sorry, there was a maximum of 10 gods so Hermes and any minor god or goddesses are not here. I am so so sorry.

Created by: Addie
  1. What’s your favourite colour?
  2. Weapon of Choice is?
  3. A Hunter of Artemis?
  4. Allergies?
  5. Fatal Flaw?
  6. Favourite Past Time?
  7. Group?
  8. Your first friend was from which cabin?
  9. Is your Godly Parent your father or mother?
  10. Your Gender?

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Quiz topic: Whos my Greek Godly Parent?
