Who Would you be in MHA

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Hi i want you to know who you are i took a long time plz dont hate it that much.I tried to make the scores as far possible i put my best decripion in here for the characters plz take it again if you dont like who you got.

PLz tell me if you like it i would love it oh and tell me if you watch the anime i would love to talk with you if you can talk on here if we cant its nice to know im not alone.Plz tell me your favorite character if you watch it.

Created by: YourMHAsister
  1. Would you be a villian
  2. Are you kind like Izuku ( deku)
  3. Are you a hothead like bakugo
  4. Are you short
  5. Gender
  6. WHO do you think you are like be honest plz
  7. (no effect) have you seen the anime
  8. what villain quirk would you have
  9. did you like my quiz its my first one ( no effect)
  10. what kind of music do you like

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