Who would match you the most

This is so smart diva a diva diva in a diva nblanka sheet I said diva shay given is your boyfriend and he is a fruit and a cheese burgar hey hey diva hey hey diva

you smell like me i am smart diva and diav and foar and roar I like seen you nine teams in a mens locker tennis Hamburger and chesse you eat me(Lol)(lol)Like you

Created by: Blanka Gwiazdowska

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do when you are bored?
  2. What's your fave ice-cream flavour?
  3. What clothes do you like to wear?
  4. What clothes do you like to wear?
  5. What is your fave movie?
  6. What books do you like to read?
  7. What would you call your dog(from these)?
  8. What do you like to eat?
  9. What kind of bird do you like?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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