Who would be your mate?

You will find out who your mate is by answering these questions! If you do different answers then you will have a different mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

Your mate will automatically be a cat from the warrior books, but depending on how you answer the questions your mate will be evil or good. I hope you enjoy this Amazing quiz that we made.

Created by: Honeystorm+Mossyleaf
  1. are you a tom or she-cat?
  2. If you were in a battle and you needed help, what would you want your mate to do?
  3. Who would you want your mate to be related to?
  4. Would you want your mate to be in the Dark Forest?
  5. If you were mad at your mate, what would you do to him?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. If you had kits how many would you want?
  8. What is your favorite food?
  9. What Clan would you and your mate be in?
  10. How much do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who would be my mate?
