Who is your Jedi master | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Who is your Jedi master.

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  • Fun! Just one thing that confused me: Question 11 asks which characters that are Jedi or Sith that I like best. The only option provided that is actually a Jedi is Leia; the others are not Force-users at all. Did you intend to word the question in a different way than I read it? I assumed that it was meant to say, "Which character that isn't a Jedi or a Sith is your favorite?" Is that correct?

    (Sorry about the nitpicking. It was a great quiz; I really enjoyed it. I got Aayla Secura, a character I really like, but I've never considered her being my master before.)

  • I got Shaka Tii. I am a bit mixed, but we always will fight even if we disagree. She probably knows I love clones .

    second sister
  • Alya is a very badass jedi master to my understanding. Sad that her life was cut short because of blasted order 66.

  • Cool, my jedi master would be Yoda.

  • I got highest chance for Yoda, but I'm happy master Plo is on the top of the list too. :D


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