Who is you Mha best friend?

This is where you find out who your Mha best friend is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry if I didn't put the person you wanted... I hope you get a good one!!!

If there are any mistakes, please tell me, this is the first time I used this app.... I'm really sorry if you didn't get who you anted................

Created by: Denki Chargebolt
  1. What Mha character would you like to be?
  2. Who is you favorite pro hero?
  3. What is your favorite Mha ship?(if I don't know the ship name, I will put the names)
  4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  5. Do you want to get into U.A or the League of Villains?
  6. Who is your favorite villain?
  7. Why do you want to be a hero?
  8. Do you like pokΓ©mon?
  9. Are you apart of LGBTQ+?(I'm running out of ideas...)
  10. What is your favorite anime?

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