who do i really love guy 1 or guy2

well girls can sometimes get confudsed and think they like two guys at a time but maybe they dont this quiz help them find out what the really feel inside.

do you like guy 1?maybe you do or maybe you dont when this quiz is over you will know what you really feel inside so good luck.be honest in the questions.

Created by: gamergirl27
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you see guy 1 what do you do/what happens ?
  2. what do you do when guy 2 to says hi to you?
  3. when guy one gets hurt what do you do
  4. if guy two flirts whats youre reaction?
  5. do you ever flirt with guy one?
  6. i you bump into both of them what do you do?
  7. do you like this quiz
  8. do think guy 1 is perfect?
  9. do think about guy 1 all the time
  10. do think you like both

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