Who are you to me?

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This is my first quiz and it was made at 4 in the morning I'm really tired so if it doesn't make sense the this with explain why and if you people of all genders want more I will make even if you don't want more (I'm trying not too have a metal break down while making this I'm depressed and what about it)this is very accurate so if you get something bad not my fault your not a person I like

Hopefully this will be good enough for you people I'm still tired and hungry but the fam asleep and I'm not and from now on you guys or gals or whatever gender you play a role in you peeps are my strawberries because strawberries are in a Starbucks pinkidy drinkidy and I like strawberries soooo yeah see you after the quiz bye✌👋🏻

Created by: Pinkidy drinkidy
  1. are you loud or shy?
  2. Pick a word to describe your mental health
  3. what's your age
  4. How many friends do you have
  5. Pick a word
  6. What's your relationship with your family
  7. What's your favorite my hero academia character
  8. What type of music do you like
  9. Favorite color
  10. What do you think of my first quiz

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Quiz topic: Who am I to me?
