Who are you in the Spanish Civil War?

The Spanish Civil War raged from 1936 to 1939. It erupted after a military coup led by the Army of Africa led by General Francisco Franco. The two sides were the Left and the Right.

What political faction do you belong to. From the Iberian Anarchist Federation to the Catholic National Conservatives. To find out, take this short quiz!

Created by: Sure_Bed
  1. Trotsky or Stalin
  2. How should Red Socialism be established
  3. The Culturally Radical Anti-Catholic changes of the Azaña and Zamora administrations have been
  4. Revolutionary Marxists, how should the post-revolution government look like
  5. Individualism is
  6. The economy should be based on trade unionism
  7. We need a Revolution
  8. We should have lots of welfare
  9. Capitalism or Socialism
  10. Christianity is

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Spanish Civil War?