Who are you in the fall of Berlin Wall?

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It's 1989, the socialism camp is rapidly falling, and you're the leader of East Germany. Will you open the Berlin Wall and reunify two Germanies, or will you go down the old line? The choice is yours.

This test assigns you to one of the 6 significant politicians in Germany in 1989~1990, including conservatives, reformists, liberals and right wingers.

Created by: 40JahreDDR
  1. It's 1989, your people are demanding freedom and bread. Will you open the Berlin Wall for them?
  2. Your people either have Freedom or do not live to demand it anymore now. What about Bread?
  3. Your people's protest slogans have changed: from "we are the people" to "we are *one* people". How about the dangerous idea of the reunification of Germany?
  4. Gorbachev is pushing for more reforms to implement a multi-party sysytem. What will you do then?
  5. Gorbachev is visiting your country for the celebration of our 40th anniversary. What speech will you give in reaction?
  6. How will you reform the Stasi?
  7. Will you help left-wing movements in other countries?
  8. Are you an authleft?
  9. Finally, what color do you like best?
  10. At least 10 questions are required, so I'm asking your cultural ideology.

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the fall of Berlin Wall?
