Who are you actually?

Are you really who your think you are? Sincerely, do you? Because sometimes, you aren't who you think you are. But please, don't take any offense to these endings. ('U's and 'S's are there in some words because of where I was raised, please do not comment on them)

Have you ever though about who you really are? I have. If you got through this, you would realise what this quiz is about. But please, don't take any offense to these endings. ('U's and 'S's are there in some words because of where I was raised, please do not comment on them)

Created by: c00kiesandcream
  1. What is your favourite pass-timer?
  2. What is your favourite type of music?
  3. What type of colours do you like?
  4. Do you generally like animals?
  5. Would you change time?
  6. Have you had to change to make people like you?
  7. Do you generally like to be alone?
  8. Would you share your personal life with somebody?
  9. Are you alright?
  10. Have you ever been through something really tough?

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Quiz topic: Who am I actually?