Which Youtuber should you date?

Youtubers these days are so single, so fresh to a new relationship. Sometimes, we're tempted to date one, but never get the chance. Maybe, it just doesn't work out.

Which Youtuber should you date? Well, you'll have to take 1,000,000 chances to find out. Unless, you take this quiz! You'll be sure to find your match in one single shot.

Created by: Kyodai
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your preferred hair color?
  2. Preferred body shape?
  3. Food that most likely you would eat?
  4. Describe what you would want in a date.
  5. Fill in the blank. "Just Dance 2015" is a way to _________.
  6. Which area is the first letter of your first name?
  7. Which would you think is appropriate to do when you greet someone?
  8. Do you celebrate holidays and birthdays before they happen?
  9. Preferred race?
  10. Are you into horror?

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Quiz topic: Which Youtuber should I date? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Youtube Quiz category.