which warriors villain are you

have you ever taken a quiz about what warriors cat you are well i bet you've never seen this! what warriors villain are you!!! please rate and comment.

please dont take the results to heart i was exaggerating i dont actually mean any of that stuff:) wwoorrddss yyeeaahh wwoorrddss wwoooww pls rate/comment

Created by: WOFwarriorsfan
  1. would you rather?...
  2. if one of thees cats one a was the leader or your clan it would be...
  3. have you read the warriors series?
  4. if one of theys villains would of one it would win it would be...?
  5. kill or die
  6. MEAT
  7. bloodclan,riverclan,shadowclan
  8. what is the closest thing to your warriors name?
  9. pick a number...
  10. bye!

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Quiz topic: Which warriors villain am I
