Which Warrior (movie) character are you?

The Warriors is an awesome movie.Their bravery and power will be remembered.They were close to each other and ready to help.Even though,they have had some differences and arguements.

Which character are you?It contains my favourite 5 of them.Find out immediately who suitss you best.They all have some good and bad characteristics...

Created by: Kostas Eddison
  1. Your body type is:
  2. Do you ask for help when encountering enemies?
  3. Ready to assist your friends when fighting?
  4. How do you encounter enemies?
  5. Choose quote:
  6. Choose another one quote:
  7. Last quote:
  8. Last quote:
  9. Describe yourself and your role in the team:
  10. Describe yourself and your role in the team:
  11. Which tactic do you prefer when a rival gang chases you?

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior (movie) character am I?