Which Warehouse 13 Character are you?

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This is a quiz to help you discover which Warehouse 13 character you are. Are you an agent, saving the world from Artefacts, or are you a foe, trying to destroy the world? Well, let's find out!

The characters you could be are: Myka Bering, Pete Lattimer, Claudia Donovan, Artie Nielsen, Steve Jinks or even H.G. Wells I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Sci-Fi-Mad
  1. Have you ever been whammied?
  2. Have you ever wanted to destroy the world?
  3. Do you like to read?
  4. Describe your personality in one word.
  5. Who is your favourite minor character?
  6. Time for a bit of Role Play! Artie has given you a ping. How do you react?
  7. You find the Artefact, which turns out to be Lewis Carroll 's mirror, and Alice Liddell is free. What do you do?
  8. You find Alice. She is holding your favourite character hostage. Who is she holding hostage?
  9. Alice gives you 3 options. Let the world live, but the hostage will die, save the hostage, but let the world die, or die in the world's place, and the hostage's place. Which do you choose?
  10. Role Play Over! Final Question: Did you enjoy this Quiz? (This will not affect your results. I'm just nosey!)

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Quiz topic: Which Warehouse 13 Character am I?
