Which type of Macaw are you?

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Just by answering these 12 questions you will find out which type of macaw you are. Some of the Macaws you will get are very endangered. On the other hand some are perfect in size of population.

Will you get Blue and gold Macaw, Military Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Spix Macaw, Glaucous Macaw, or the Mini Macaw? Figure out which one you are if you take my quiz, I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Spix-Macaw-Lover
  1. First of all which one is your favorite? (Outta these)
  2. What is your favorite color/colors?
  3. Would you or are you Tall and short?
  4. Would you be and endangered bird or not?
  5. What is your fashion like?
  6. Which of these elements do you like the best?
  7. Which of these best describes you?
  8. Which time of day is your favorite?
  9. What is your favorite fruit or veggie outta these?
  10. Which of these animals is your favorite?
  11. Which of these is your favorite type of weather?
  12. Last question, what is your favorite flower outta these?

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Quiz topic: Which type of Macaw am I?
