Which Type of Dragon are you?

You love magic. Who doesn't? Now, what would it be like to be a magical creature? Which one suits me? Which one is the best? Questions float around your mind.

You need answers.True ones! You need to feel like this creature. Where can you find them? This quiz will help you find out which dragon you should be. Remember to post your answers on your page!

Created by: twilight456
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend Asks you to go to the pool with her. You go with her, and then...
  2. You get to relive one day in your life. You choose:
  3. You can get 1 thing. Anything! Regardless of the price. Anything at all! Even if it doesn't exist.
  4. You are at the beach and you don't know what to do first. You...
  5. Your crush tells you that He\She likes you. You...
  6. If I could be any animal for half an hour, i would be..
  7. You can have 1 divine gemstone horse. What would it be?
  8. Now if you could have a Solar system Divine horse, what would it be?
  9. You love to...
  10. Now, if you could have 1 wish what would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Type of Dragon am I?