Which "The Newsroom" Character Are You?

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The Newsroom is a fast-paced and ripping yarn of a show written and created by Aaron Sorkin, with dialogue and dynamic similar to Sorkins other works such as The West Wing. However the Newsrom brings a unique voice to what happens behind the scenes at a broadcast news network whose producers and staff decide to question and improve how Americans view the news.

Are you morally driven like Charlie? Are you hot headed and sassy like Mac? Anxious but driven like Maggie? Sexy and smart like Sloan? Snarky and calculating lik Don? Intimidating but secretly a softie like Will? Or social awkward but super sweet like Jim? Find out with this quiz!

Created by: LilyEvans
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your greatest fear?
  2. What did you (will you) major in in college?
  3. What do you value most in a relationship?
  4. If you were backed in a corner with a tough decision to make what would you do?
  5. What hair colour do you go for in those you fancy?
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. What is your favourite past time?
  8. Introvert or extrovert
  9. What would your dream house be?
  10. What would your dream house be?
  11. How do you preform under pressure?

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Quiz topic: Which "The Newsroom" Character am I?