Which The Adventure Zone: Balance NPC are you?

This is just a fun quiz that I made because i love TAZ Balance so much. Not scientific at all, just based off of vibes and my own interpretation of the characters.

only seven NPCs are represented so if you dont think your result is acuarte, then that's probably why. share with your non TAZ fan friends for the lols. hope you enjoy! :)

Created by: Ash
  1. Which arc of Balance is your favorite?
  2. Pick an original song from the TAZ OST. (look them up, don't just pick by title!)
  3. Pick a fear
  4. Pick a liminal space
  5. Pick a TAZ campaign
  6. Pick a PC from Balance or Amnesty
  7. What's your favorite part of lunar interludes?
  8. Pick a funny quote!
  9. Pick a sad/dramatic quote
  10. Pick a running gag
  11. which is your favorite (cannon) couple
  12. Last one: Pick a color

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Quiz topic: Which The Adventure Zone: Balance NPC am I?

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