Which Street Fighter Character Are You?

People often wonder what type of video game character they are. I did, which is why I made it, I dunno if it's awesome but I know that it's prob a 7 or 8 on cool scale. Would've put more effort, but I already put in 3 hours of effort, it might look mediocre, but it's good for what it is ok? it's got all the general characters people pick, so it's good to me.

I wonder what you may get, as I have 10 outcomes and 12 questions, it might be tricky to get one particular answer but it's all good. Have fun! I'm sorry if it's mediocre or too short, or both, it just takes forever to make one quiz so please just be nice. ^-^

Created by: BillyTheFunny69

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So, What's Your Build?
  2. Out Of These, Which Job Would You Take?
  3. What's Your Ethnic Group?
  4. Are You Evil?
  5. Are You Funny?
  6. You're Opponent Is Wide Open! What Do You Do?
  7. Would You Kill Your Opponent In Battle?
  8. What's You're Fight Style?
  9. What Were You In High School?
  10. How Fast Are You?

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Quiz topic: Which Street Fighter Character am I?