Which Steriotype Are You?

This is a personality quiz. Don't get mad at me for results you don't want its not God, its just , my opinion. Ok?

So yeah take it. It's pretty fun. At least I think it is. Maybe you will think so too.

Created by: Stephanie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who do you feel about pink?
  2. Which one of these is most like your sn or email?
  3. Which one of these bands. Singers?
  4. Fave color?
  5. Music type?
  6. Fave brand?
  7. Do you sing?
  8. WOAH you changed your hair?? What's it like?
  9. Do you get mad easily?
  10. Do you like the song miss murder?

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Quiz topic: Which Steriotype am I?