Which Spanking Do You Need?

Everyone misbehaves sometimes. It's just the way people are. But sometimes you need a punishment to keep you behaving well. Spanking is one such method.

Whether you're being punished, playing with friends, or on your own, take the next fifteen questions to find out which spanking is for you! I hope you enjoy! Also, apologies in advance for some of you.

  1. How well behaved have you been?
  2. How many offences have you committed in the past week?
  3. How severe were these offences on average?
  4. Are you sorry for what you did?
  5. Have you apologized to everyone you hurt?
  6. Have you already committed these offences?
  7. Will you do it again?
  8. Why did you do it?
  9. Have you been punished for this offence before?
  10. How severe have your punishments been recently?
  11. Have you been warned not to do this?
  12. How will you take your punishment?
  13. Will you learn from your mistakes?
  14. Which do you honestly believe you deserve?
  15. Are you nervous?

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Quiz topic: Which Spanking do I Need?

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