Which sonic or Mario character would date you

There's the big debate. Mario vs. Sonic. Many mixed opinions. Many fanboys, yet not a lot of devoted fans. Even that's not the full definition! Woah. Cool.

Are YOU a devoted fan? Do YOU qualify as a awesome fan? Choose your side in this quiz! Only takes a few minutes! Actually, like 2 minutes,tops. That's short.

Created by: Infi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer speed or exploration?
  2. Danger! How do you defeat it?
  3. What will you have?
  4. Date out! Where to go?
  5. Third wheel! Who is it? (Is it a friend of mine?)
  6. What to eat?
  7. 3 More! What movie?
  8. Humor?
  9. 2 More! When to shiggity-shoogity?
  10. Last One! Who do you love?

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